Africa People Advisory Groups Courses Solution focusses on HR skills development through courses like HR Metrics and Analytics and Strategic HR Business Partnering.

New ways of working
We are now entering the third year of working since the Covid-19 pandemic rapidly disrupted how we work, where we work, and the technology we use to get work done.

The great or not-so-great return to the office
The concept of new ways of working is designed around the constructs of where, when, how, and by whom work is done. New ways of working require new ways of thinking.

Impactful Reward Strategies
6 key insights on how to make reward, as an EVP element, as powerful and impactful as possible.

Data will talk to you if you are willing to listen
The story behind the data is arguably more important than the data itself. Or more precisely, the reason behind why we are missing certain pieces of data may be more meaningful than the data we have.

Employee engagement trends across Africa – are we winning?
With a heightened risk of employee burnout, we have a moral obligation to look after our workforce. People focus aside, it makes business sense!

Three Cheers to Mark Cutifani
It comes as no surprise that many conversations about corporates dealing with covid impact result in a conversation about #leadership Our old world is no more. and new models of work also require new ways of thinking and new models for leadership

New ways of working
The year 2020 will be recorded in the history books as one that stands out in the current century. Nobody could have predicted the significant impact the COVID-19 pandemic would have had on the global population.

Zimbabwe Market Overview – A Glimpse Into The Local Economic Climate
From time to time, certain events occurring in an economy just do not make sense. Applying rational thought and experience does not seem to correspond with the events taking place and common sense.

Without data you are just another person with an opinion
I’ve been told that I have poor long-term memory when it comes to recalling key events in my life, whether it be trying to remember my wedding day or first job interview however I vividly recall my first day at university.

The unlikely link between Norway, Gabon and kite surfing
When flying into Libreville, one will notice vast forests and a beautiful view of the ocean.