Africa People Advisory Groups Courses Solution focusses on HR skills development through courses like HR Metrics and Analytics and Strategic HR Business Partnering.

Statistics 301 for Reward Professionals
The first paragraph in our last edition noted that ‘the capacity to collect, process, draw relevant conclusions and make a valid recommendation from different sources of data is an essential activity for reward professionals.’

Statistics 101 for Reward Professionals
Reward professionals require a foundational understanding of statistics to analyse not only internal but also external data.

Statistics 201 for Reward Professionals
The capacity to collect, process and draw relevant conclusions and make a valid recommendation from different sources of data is an essential skill for reward professionals.

Rwanda – an inspiration
I am privileged to often travel the African continent. I have a deep-rooted passion for Africa and look forward to seeing her taking her rightful place in the world order.

Personal reflections on corporate bullying
I have been contemplating writing a second short article on LinkedIn for a while, then the difficult decision, do I write about the deep philosophical debates of removing ratings or not from your performance management system.

Leadership can make, and leadership can break
I wonder what percentage of leaders really understand the impact they have on the people that they lead.

Home Readiness for Work by Young African Professionals
The Work From Home phenomena has prompted employees to analyse how, “fit for work’ their households are.

Employee Engagement to Employee Experience (EX)
What does it mean to be engaged? If we use the analogy of a couple planning a wedding, engagement means that they are in a committed relationship, and both parties derive value from it

Work from home (WFH)
The reality is that few "Future of Work visions" have emerged as rapidly and unexpectedly as the work from home (or as I see it affectionately shorted WFH) phenomenon.