• rwanda an inspiration

Rwanda – an inspiration

I am privileged to often travel the African continent. I have a deep-rooted passion for Africa and look forward to seeing her taking her rightful place in the world order. When I visit countries, I typically analyse a state through three lenses 1 – Individuals 2 – Institution and 3 – Infrastructure – thanks to Prof. Nick Binedell.

I recently travelled to Rwanda, I was again amazed by the traction the country has realised in shaping its future. Strong, effective institutions lead by a visionary in President Paul Kagame. Infrastructure is being built and progress being made to realise Rwanda to be a hub in Africa. The focus is not only on the hard infrastructure like roads but also soft – connecting people with a flourishing ITC infrastructure.

As I walked off RwandAir, the first encounter was with an airport staff member. We did not speak, but his action spoke volumes of what is happening in Rwanda. The attendant picked up a small piece of paper, almost unnoticeable. Any person who has visited the country would be able to talk in length on cleanliness in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.

Prof. Adrian Saville CE of Cannon Asset Managers shares 6 factors needed for Economic Development to drive growth. The six factors – which is termed the “six-pack” – include:

  1. Savings and investment
  2. Access to improving healtHRare
  3. Access to improving education
  4. A favourable demographic structure
  5. A stable policy environment with effective institutions
  6. Finally, the degree of economic openness

Rwanda flourishes in many of the factors, but in the same breath are building towards realising the whole list. What I would argue enables the above is self-discipline, the same self-discipline I witnessed by the airport attendant – a drive to cleanliness in Rwanda. It was once again an incredible visit to Rwanda, often referred to as the land of a thousand hills, it is a real jewel. I would like to urge any visitor to the continent, driven either by business or personal reasons to make Rwanda the next stop on their planned trip to Africa.